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Mantak Chia - A Modern Taoist Master
Likes: 2 Views: 116065a dream reality of greatness!
Likes: 2 Views: 14706Interview with Meir Schneider
Likes: 1 Views: 570886A quick exit
Likes: 1 Views: 73821999
Likes: 1 Views: 6392

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Or from these personal stories…
Your Health and the Stars
YOUR HEALTH and the STARS INTRODUCTION A great deal of work has been carried out over the past hundred or... Read more... -
Sudden Stop
Four years ago I was walking home from college thinking about exams and things I had to be doing in the next few days, The normal teenage... Read more... -
Social Networks, like twitter are a waste of time
From what I have experienced, social networking is a complete waste of time for the average person. This is regardless of whether or not it... Read more... -
getting lost
I got lost recently and I was only at a hospital!!! How is that possible I hear you ask. Round and round I went, in one door through another. Up... Read more... -
Men, Lies and Betrayal
It was both astonishing and devastating to look back on my marriage of more than 11 years, some five years after it had ended, and realize that... Read more...